Killing and Injury

When intention is set to injure or kill, or a GM’s Test Complication is to injure, a Wound is generated by the margin of success capped at 4. An “X beats Y” gives a maximum injury. Normally this maximum is capped at 4 but may be increased to 5 through wound effects. If a Confrontation is won through numbers, subtract the loser’s result from the winner’s to get the level of wound to be taken. In a Test the GM can inflict an injury as part of a Complication, this is also limited by the Margin of Success but if the GM won with a result of “X beats Y” then calculate the injury as if the result was “+2”.

When you take a wound you choose your wound track and mark that many boxes starting with Superficial through to mortal. For a wound of three you’d mark the Superficial, Minor and Serious boxes on a single track. If you so choose, you can add a wound to a track with an existing wound on it. As always mark the wound’s level into the empty boxes from top to bottom.

Injury Table

Margin of Success Wound Effect Recovery Difficulty
1 Superficial effect Injury Maximum becomes 5. The “X beats Y” result of a lethal conflict is also 5. 1
2 Minor effect If you would win with an “X beats Y” result in a Conflict, instead treat this as a “+2” result. Opponent’s result is treated as “+0, Partial”. 2
3 Serious effect Your Skills and Spells all suffer -1. Those reduced to less than 0 cannot be used until recovered. 3
4 Traumatic effect Your Manners all suffer -1 unless using magic. Any Manner reduced to -1 cannot be used. If any Manner is reduced to -2 you die instantly. 4
5+ Mortal wound You may undertake one final Conflict within the current scene with no wound penalties, but you die afterwards. 5

The effects of wounds across each level are cumulative.

You may upgrade a Wound to a Mortal Wound at will.


During your downtime you may attempt to recover from your Wounds, or an ally may try to treat you. The Intention will be for recovery, but the Task is up to the player and verified by the GM. The difficulty is given by the most severe effect you are suffering.

Success recovers you from an effect of your choice in each of your wound tracks.

Failure recovers you from the least severe effect of each of your Wound Tracks and involves the GM’s complication. When you recover erase the marking from the box. You will need to make multiple recovery tests to fully heal a multi-box wound.

You may only attempt to recover from, or be treated for, injuries once for each instance of downtime.

Following a Mortal Wound, only if you can immediately enter downtime will you have an opportunity to be treated for it. To survive, this must succeed.


A piece of Armour’s Quality is rated from 1 to 5 and protects one Wound Track. Mark the Wound Track with a Shield Symbol in the box that matches the Quality. For example Quality 4 marks the Traumatic effect level.

When you are hit and choose an Armoured Wound Track deduct 1 from the number of boxes you mark and only mark the Shield Symbol if you are filling the whole track.

You may change which tracks the armour protects when you make changes to the pieces you wear. You may wear new armour over old wounds.

Wearing Armour lowers your potential to cast Spells. A Spell’s maximum rating (4) is reduced by the rating of the highest Quality Armour piece you wear.